In a crisis? Call or text 988.
The Green Bandana Project does not provide emergency or crisis intervention.If you are located in the United States, dial 911 for medical emergencies or dial 988 if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Bailey Health Center connects students with quality health care and promotes an environment of wellness, where students are treated with compassion and understanding.
Our counselors help students identify academic, social, and personal goals and strengthen coping strategies when they experience emotional distress or trauma. Counseling provides students with opportunities to gain support, […]
Emergency Phone: 610-330-5330 Business (non-urgent): 610-330-4444
If a fellow Lafayette student is struggling with their mental health, you can refer them to the Student Support and Intervention Team via the One Pard form. The form […]
Team meetings and 1-on-1 meetings with the sports psychologist, Dr. Julie.
Togetherall is a peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers students to anonymously seek and provide support. This online resource is moderated by mental health professionals and offers a safe […]
The Lifeline is a free, confidential crisis hotline that is available to everyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Whether you’re seeking support for yourself or looking to start The Green Bandana Project at your school, take action!