In a crisis? Call or text 988.
The Green Bandana Project does not provide emergency or crisis intervention.If you are located in the United States, dial 911 for medical emergencies or dial 988 if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Works with students to develop productive study strategies
Formal, on-campus, ongoing counseling
Students come to our office when they need individualized help in regards to their personal, social, and academic needs.
To support and advance the educational objectives of St. Olaf College by fostering and maintaining a safe, secure and stable environment for living, learning, and working.
Consent and Sexual Respect Initiative
St. Olaf places great value on the study and practice of religion. We invite you to explore, to ask questions, and to grow in your faith.
Supports students by fostering an inclusive, diverse environment at St. Olaf.
The St. Olaf Wellness Center strives to educate and support the wellbeing of our community by providing a variety of accessible educational programs and opportunities for skill development related to the 9 areas of wellbeing
911 for emergency’s (507) 645-4477 for Non emergeny’s
SCMCT provides 24/7 support to those in a mental health crisis. The service will go to an individual’s home or other location.
An app that provides free telehealth care to students.
The Lifeline is a free, confidential crisis hotline that is available to everyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Whether you’re seeking support for yourself or looking to start The Green Bandana Project at your school, take action!