In a crisis? Call or text 988.
The Green Bandana Project does not provide emergency or crisis intervention.If you are located in the United States, dial 911 for medical emergencies or dial 988 if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts.
A crisis counseling service is available after hours for students when they are experiencing a crisis. Call: (319) 273-2676 and press 2 to speak to a crisis counselor
Our mission is to develop engaged and culturally competent students into leaders who contribute to creating a more inclusive and just society.
Promote healthy, engaged, and successful LGBT students and allies. Gender & Sexuality Services provides a safe space, resources, and educational opportunities to advocate for an inclusive community.
The Student Health Clinic serves as the on-campus health resource for all students and assists them in meeting their healthcare needs. The Student Health Clinics’ vision is to educate and empower students to advocate for their health and well-being.
The Counseling Center provides clinical mental health services, outreach programming, and a training program to support the mental health, safety and well-being of the campus community.
Student Wellness Services provides holistic student development, learning, and social justice through prevention education and health promotion towards optimal well-being for individuals and the campus community.
County Social Services connects persons experiencing complex life-changing challenges with innovative resources and supports to assist them in moving towards hopeful and happy lives. We make funding and service availability more equitable across county lines.
To serve our members where, when, and how they choose to best serve their recovery
Help you identify if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression or another mental health condition.
A self-help organization promoting advocacy, education, and mutual support. It is dedicated to improving the lives of people who have a mental illness, their families, partners, caregivers, and friends.
Pathways professional mental health or substance use disorder counselors are here to protect, support and guide you on your path to a healthy life.
Crisis Line
The Lifeline is a free, confidential crisis hotline that is available to everyone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Whether you’re seeking support for yourself or looking to start The Green Bandana Project at your school, take action!